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Award-Winning Commercial Painting and Wallcovering Services

For over 30 years, Cochran & Mann has been delivering award-winning commercial painting and wallcovering services to Washington, D.C., Northern Virginia, and Maryland. From simple renovations to complex multi-phase projects, our team covers it all.

Core Services

Coating Services|


Renovation Services|


Wallcovering Services|


Light Industrial Services|



Public Recreational Facility Aquatic Center

The Cochran & Mann team assisted in the construction of the Public Recreational Facility Aquatic Center at The Southern Regional Technology and Recreation Complex. View Project


Cochran & Mann

As a family-owned-and-operated business, Cochran & Mann has grown from a team of five in a one-room office to the premier painting and wallcovering contractor for Washington, Northern Virginia and Maryland general contractors.



Guide to Contractor/Subcontractor Collaboration

With over 30 years of experience, our team here at Cochran & Mann has learned a few things about building strong relationships with general contractors and trade partners. We want to pass that knowledge forward to you.

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A Look At PPG Paints Positioning In The Paint and Coating Industry

We sit down with Danielle Hunsicker, director of trade marketing & sales effectiveness, to discuss all things PPG Paints. Find out how PPG leverages technology, customer feedback, and product development to position themselves as leaders in the paint and coating industry.